Tag Archives: United States Crown Colony

The United States is a “Federal Corporation”: 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15)

June 18, 2012

What they never taught you in high school civics class: The United States is a FEDERAL CORPORATION. See 28 U.S.C. Sec. 3002(15); Washington, D.C. is a sovereign city-state, not bound by any laws or treatises that the 50 states in the Union are (just as the City of London is not part of England proper and the Vatican is also a sovereign city-state).

The people believed by most to be representing Americans in D.C. are immune from virtually all laws and treatises of the USA. These corporate CEOs known as “congressmen” and “congresswomen” are representing a corporation known as United States, which makes most of its profits off a war and prison machine, and a fiat paper money system. Read Entire Article

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