June 3, 2012
Such a simple world, but “they” present it as complicated.
Iran is an oil-exporting country and a member of OPEC.
OPEC as an organization agreed to only trade oil in U.S. dollars in the early 1970s. This happened at the same time President Richard Nixon and then-Federal Reserve chair Arthur Burns ended the proverbial “gold standard” for the U.S. dollar, and started the de-facto “oil standard.”
The only thing that gives paper, fiat Federal Reserve notes value is the fact OPEC member countries all agreed (by force or otherwise) to trade oil in said dollars. When Saddam Hussein and Iraq (OPEC country) threatened to stop trading in dollars, the country was invaded and he was killed. “They” used 9/11 as the excuse to invade Iraq, even though they had absolutely nothing to do with it and 15 of the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
You can substitute the name Muammar Gaddafi in the previous scenario for the story of Libya (OPEC country).
Now Iran no longer wants the useless, government-manipulated U.S. dollar either; and now you hear war drums (“sanctions”). But just like U.S. government deems certain banks “too big to fail,” certain countries, such as oil-producer Iran and big buyers in Russia and China, might be too big to invade to save the “petrodollar.”
Bilderberg is winding down for this year. I suspect a lot of “action” is forthcoming around the world after “their” meeting today in Virginia.