June 21, 2017 (links and copy updated February 10, 2020)
Democrats voted in the new chairman of the DNC this past February. The process highlighted the party’s two major problems with undecided, swing voters. The first speaker stood at the podium for seven minutes. Instead of speaking to swing voters, he talked mostly about his sexuality.
Tom Perez won the DNC chairmanship over Keith Ellison. Perez is a long-time Bill and Hillary Clinton disciple and corporate crony.
Democrats dug their own graves. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Hillary Clinton deliberately sabotaged the 2016 primaries to ensure Clinton was the Democratic candidate running against Donald Trump. Corporate, state-run media crowned her President months before any votes were cast. CNN, MSNBC, etc. believed there was no way a serial rapist, racist, charlatan like Trump could defeat Hillary in the general election.
Democrats continue plowing forward with their same losing strategy. They lost in crushing fashion last November. The $25-plus million loss in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District last night was in embarrassing fashion.
The party panders to their far-left, reliable (white) liberal base. They ignore and exclude large blocs of voters who may vote for them if they put forth the proper effort. Democrats want to defeat Trump and start winning Congressional seats and gubernatorial races. But they’ll need to start winning elections instead of trying to buy them.
Ditch the homosexual & toxic feminist rhetoric
Jon Ossoff, the Democratic candidate who lost the Georgia special election last night, made LGBT issues a top priority throughout the campaign trail. The 6th Congressional District of Georgia has been owned by Republicans since 1979. That’s when “Dixiecrat” John Flynt retired. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich handily defeated challenger Virginia Shapard (D) by a 54-46 margin. Since that time, Republicans have held the seat either unopposed or winning elections against Democrats with 64%+ of the vote.
It was either ignorance or arrogance on Democrats’ part. They believed a Southern, Republican district wanted to hear LGBT-this, feminist-that. That was their winning strategy. Democrats blew a golden opportunity to win the district. Trump’s approval rating dropped to 36% overall, according to a CBS poll. That’s the lowest of his Presidency. There’s been an 11% drop in approval among GOP voters since April.
Pew data found that 79% of Georgians claim to be some kind of Christian. Sixty four percent believe religion is very important in their lives. Democrats cannot use a coastal California, Massachusetts, or New York strategy in a district like GA06. Politics is a game of balance and adjustments. Democrats failed to exercise both last night.
Democrats don’t need to become anti-gay. But homosexuality, feminism and gender-bending doesn’t play well outside liberal circles. Southern white people, Christian black people and Catholic Latinos/as simply do not approve in large numbers.
It’s politics. It’s a game of give and take. Democrats should not and cannot perpetually mention LGBT stuff on the campaign trail. Homosexuality cannot be their primary platform issue alongside “Beat Trump.” They will either accept this reality or continue losing.
Ditch the Clinton corporate candidates
Most reasons people dislike Trump have merit. Many of the reasons the same number of people dislike Hillary Clinton also have merit. Democrats pretend like Hillary Clinton and her disciples are noble saints. Election results like last night will continue if this pattern doesn’t change.
Democrats have long marketed themselves as the “party of the people.” They cares about the little guy and force Federal Reserve note hoarders to pay their fair share of taxes. But its all disingenuous politics.
Hillary Clinton charges upwards of $335,000 for speeches. Bill and Hillary Clinton made over $150 million total giving speeches from 2001 to 2015. Hillary operates the same way when it comes to donors for elections.
Her entire campaign was financed mostly by billionaires, while corporate and foreign donors have funneled millions to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary is also a serial liar and flip-flopper who will say whatever it takes to rile the base and get votes.
Mrs. Clinton mesmerizes liberals. She can do no wrong in their eyes. It’s like Trump charming far-right wingers. But if the DNC continues featuring Clinton and her disciples as candidates, more loses are on the horizon.
Distinguish or death
Most black Americans know that the USA will always be a racist, terrorist, manipulative state towards them. Democrats or Republicans ensure and insure this reality. Latinos know both Republicans or Democrats tear their families apart, and taking advantage of them in the workplace.
Democrats are much better at public relations than the GOP. Many black and brown folks view Dems as the only hope in the country. Meanwhile the GOP is blatantly white supremacist. The GOP has won the white vote in every Presidential election since 1976, garnering 55% of said vote on average.
Barack Obama won with 41% of the white vote on average. That was possible because he nearly monopolized the black vote. He got 71% and 67% of the Latino vote in 2012 and 2008 respectively. He is also a charismatic black man with a good-looking family. The Obamas gave many black people hope in a country founded on racism.
Obama could push the homosexual agenda and still get POC votes because of who he is. White, rich Clinton disciples cannot and will not have that type of influence on non-white people. Democrats need black and Latino votes to win national and local elections.
Democrats have about 17 months to get their act together. They must look in the mirror, accept reality, and adapt. Otherwise MAGA and “Heil Trump” will dominate the political landscape far beyond 2018.